News 11 junio 2018

OPEN CALL to participants for mobility training activity in Athens – Greece

Under the Erasmus Plus project DIGINET – Digitalization and social media for adult employment (N°: 2017-1-MT01-KA204-026965), ESMOVIA is selecting 5 participant for a blended mobility training course to take place in Athens from 27 August to 2 September 2018.

The aims of the international training are:

  • To promote the entrepreneurial spirit of adult learners using social media and ICT to create new e-enterprises ensuring increased opportunities for being incorporated in the labour market in an effective way.
  • To make adult learners confident on how to use social media and ICT, concerning the effective use of them for creating e-enterprises digital identity.
  • To enable adult students to create their own e-enterprises by promoting entrepreneurial culture and social entrepreneurship and environmental protection through their business.
  • To have a practical international experience working with the development in digital identity of an e-enterprise using non-formal and informal approach

All adult learners interested on participating in the trainings have to send to, before 22nd June following documents

  1. an application form (provided on request)
  2. a letter of motivation
  3. an idea of e-enterprise that you would like to create

An interview with the participants  sending all requested documents will be done. This can be also through Skype call. A ranking list should also be created.

The selection requirements are:

  • To be an adult unemployed or young entrepreneur implementing web and using social media
  • To have an interest in creating a new enterprise using ITC and social media
  • To have key competences and linguistic skills to communicate in English
  • To be motivated to participate in “adopt an enterprise “at transnational level
  • To be woman entrepreneur with competences in ICT

The selection criteria are:

  • To be an adult unemployed or young entrepreneur implementing web and using social media – 2 points
  • To have an interest in creating a new enterprise using ITC and social media – 3 points
  • To have key competences and linguistic skills to communicate in English – 1 points
  • To be motivated to participate in “adopt an enterprise “at transnational level – 1 point
  • To be woman entrepreneur with competences in ICT – 2 points
  • The results of the interview – 1 point

Results will be communicated to all participants on the 25 of June after a meeting of the selection committee formed by Angelo D’Andrea and Irene Fontanelli.