Erasmus+ KA2 RMT The Renewal of Transnational Mobility – the final conference

Last 8th of December took place the final conference of the project Erasmus+ KA2 RMT – The Renewal of Transnational Mobility, promoted by French partner IERF.
During the conference, Valentina Faccioli and Ludovico Morozzo, coordinators of the project from IERF and Jerome Dormoy, director of Maison de l’Emploi e de la Formation de Nanterre presented the three main products of the project:
- Cross European best practice compendium of tools for transnational mobility
- Results of survey Crossed-views of European companies on the recognition of the benefits of transnational work-based mobility
- Methodological toolkit for transnational vocational mobility
Gilles Bonnet from Region Ile-de-France was explaining the evaluation process of the project as they were in charge of it.
Finally all partners, including ESMOVIA, were available to answer the questions done by participants. There was, in fact, a very active participation by the more of 60 participants coming mainly from France, from local governments, associations and companies dealing with mobility of youngsters and workers.
ESMOVIA invited to the conference an school education inspector and an entrepreneur so they could provide their experience and opinions.
More information about the project can be found in: