Improving professional competences of Lithuanian teachers in Valencian schools

From 26 February to 04 March 2017 ESVOVIA have organized a vocational training for teachers from Lithuanian Business and Technology Kaisiadorys School. The Erasmus Plus project “Education of cross-cultural understanding” (No. 2016-1-LT01-KA102-022779) main goal is to improve vocational training teachers’ abilities while giving lectures and managing classes, where there are national minorities’ students, to encourage tolerance and to diminish racism and discrimination in schools.
The teachers could share experiences and to learn about Spanish teaching methods to integrate immigrant children into schools. Spain is currently teaching a brand new generation of students with a different cultural profile and equally different needs. Spanish schools are committed to provide an appropriate environment that promotes the building of cultural relationships and avoids conflicts. During the week and thank to this project, Lithuanian teachers could improve and develope their profesional competences.