Transnational Training in Tropea – “In Dialogue With the Other”

A transnational training was held from the 30th of April to the 6th of May in Tropea (Italy) in the framework of the KA2 project “In Dialogue with the Other”.
The Strategic Partnership project, promoted and coordinated by KAIROS Europe (UK), aims at promoting an exchange of information and good practices about social and economical inclusion of refugees and migrants in Europe. The project foresees the creation of a Guide that illustrates legal framework and national protection systems for refugees in project countries, and also offers a multiple and complex approach, providing effective practices, good and innovative strategies for refugees and migrants’ employment, for social inclusion, peace and intercultural education.
Participants coming from project countries – United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Germany, Sweden and Turkey – took part to the training by sharing their life and professional experiences about refugees/migrants. Thanks to the diversity of the participating group – social workers, volunteers, youth workers, refugees and migrants, teachers, project managers – the dialogue was highly enriching and productive.
During the meeting, participants also had the chance to get to know some successful Italian good practices of inclusion, like the Riace case, a small village of Southern Italy that has been repopulated by hosting refugees in its community.
ESMOVIA collaborates in this project as associated partner, supporting project communication and dissemination activities.
To know more, visit the project website: