KA2 Erasmus+ Work Based Learning 2.0 – 3rd Transnational Meeting in Kilkis (Greece)

On the 8th and 9th of March 2018, we took part in the 3rd Transnational Meeting of the WBL 2.0 project, in Kilkis (Greece).
The Strategic Partnership project, promoted by ESMOVIA, is mainly addressed to VET teachers, trainers, companies and VET students in web design and social media marketing and aims at promoting work-based learning and at increasing its effectiveness and quality among key stakeholders.
On the two days meeting, we have been working with our partners from Italy, UK, Lithuania and Greece, sharing the results achieved so far, related to the Video Gallery of video lessons and testimonials where interviewed company’s managers tell about their own social media marketing and visual identity, thus providing real practical cases that VET students and trainers will be using to develop specific learning activities.
After sharing feedbacks on the videos production, we have further worked on the characteristics of the online platform and the guidelines to organize and manage transnational internships. Finally, we also went through the management and dissemination issues, setting a common frame for the organization of the final multiplying events that will took place in each of the partner countries to present the project results to key actors and possible interested entities.
The meeting ran smoothly: feedbacks, ideas and information were shared among all partners and common decisions were also made to ensure the effective development of the project. A special thanks to our Greek partner, Epimorfotiki Kilkis, that warmly received us and well hosted the meeting in its own spaces!
To know more about the project, click here: https://wbl.pixel-online.org