News 12 mayo 2020

The fourth transnational meeting of the DWA took place! Venue: online!

All the Digital Wood Artisan partners were thrilled when arranging the date for the 4th transnational meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus! There is a very positive working atmosphere between all the partners, that is reflected in the qualitative results produced until now, and living 2 days together in such a wonderful place would have made this bound even stronger!

Still, months passed by and the situation of the virus started to affect our lives and change all our plans, both personals and professionals. This situation obliged the DWA partners to analyze the various alternatives and to choose the one that presented less safety risks and that would allow us to follow the objectives of the project without too many modifications.

All this led the 6 partners of the project to an online transnational meeting on the 6th of May 2020, 3 days before the Europe Day! More than ever, this meeting was also an occasion to celebrate the unity in Europe!

Choosing the perfect location in our homes, charging the computer, taking off our pyjamas and putting on our best clothes for the occasion replaced all the other preparations actions that we were used to, such as printing our boarding passes, saving our presentation on a pendrive, going to the airport, taking a flight to the meeting place, searching how to reach the hotel and the venue of the meeting.

Meeting time arrived and we all connected with our audio and camera, happy to see each other even on a computer screen! The most important thing in this situation is that we were all safe!

The meeting ran smoothly, all partners could present their work and good news were shared: the dissemination strategy is giving good results, our project is reaching every day more and more people through the social media and the website!

In the end the partners decided to wait for better health conditions in order to organize the short term joint staff training event foreseen in Oporto. They all agreed to use this next period of time, in which we can’t travel, to work on the training, prepare interactive material and run a qualitative selection process of the participants.

It is great to work with such wonderful people that in these hard times are able to make the best out of the situation! That gives us all the positive energy we need to keep on working!

Until we see each other again in September, please check our website updates and follow us on facebook and Instagram!