4th Do Your Mob Meeting – Mestre (Italy)

26th, 27th and 28th November ESMOVIA was invited to the 4th international meeting of DO YOUR MOB organised by Scuola Centrale Formazione in Mestre (Italy).
The main topic of this year meeting was Sustainable Learning Mobility: An opportunity for the work transition. Questions like ECVET, tools and sustainability of mobility were discussed among partners. Also good practices of European partners were presented.
Scuola Centrale Formazione is the second largest association of training centres in Italy. Moreover SCF is a long term ESMOVIA partner with whom we collaborate sharing the same spirit of service and quality. International mobility is one of their development strategies they offer to their associates, being very active as promoters of European projects for VET students.
In collaboration with ESMOVIA and other international partners, Scuola Centrale Formazione, has conducted in the last years a pilot initiative on ECVET system, called GORES, that intends to valorise learning outcomes in mobility.
ESMOVIA is very proud of having such a valuable partner as Scuola Centrale Formazione that relies on us for the experimentation of GORES project.