Everyone knows that paella is the typical Valencian dish, although not everyone knows what the original recipe is like.

Rice is not the only main ingredient in Valencia, since it shares the spotlight with oranges and chufa, a product with which tiger nut milk is made. But the gastronomy of Valencia is not only those dishes, but it has a great variety of typical “terreta” meals. Have you tried any of these dishes?

1.) Valencian paella

Paella is the typical valencian dish par excellence. Who has not tried paella? It receives this name because of the container in which it is cooked, so at the beginning it was called ‘rice paella’. But, paella is not the only typical food that includes this ingredient. Rice is a basic ingredient in Valencian cuisine and there are endless recipes. Among the best known are “senyoret” rice, black rice, baked rice, crusted rice, “a banda” rice, or “amb fresols i naps” rice. Do you ever taste some of these dishes?

2.) Horchata (tiger nut milk) and fartons

The horchata or orxata in Valencian language is a typical drink of Valencia and a must of the summer. It is a drink made with tiger nut that is served slush or liquid and it is usually accompanied by “fartons”, one candy similar to sponge cake, also typical in Valencia. These elongated buns and with icing sugar on top, were invented precisely to dip it in this vegetable drink instead of bread.

3.) Allioli

If you are waiting for the paella to finish, we recommend bread withall-i-oli”  or «allioli» for the wait. This traditional valencian sauce is made with eggs, garlic and oil, ingredients that give the sauce its name in valencian language.

4.) Esgarraet

“Esgarraet” is one of the traditional valencian dishes that do not contain rice. It is a salad made with roasted red pepper, cod, garlic and olive oil. Its name is due to the mode of preparation: cod and pepper must be crumbled into thin strips. This dish is usually eaten at snack time, before lunch.

5.) Coca de llanda

There is nothing like having breakfast or having a piece of “coca de llanda” with a glass of milk. It is the valencian afternoon snack par excellence. This sponge cake is a traditional valencian dessert that gets its name from the container in which it is cooked called ‘llanda’ or ‘llauna’.

6.) Buñuelos de calabaza

Any tour of the Fallas in Valencia ends with a hot chocolate and a few pumpkin fritters or “buñuelos” (or «bunyols» in the local language). Pumpkin fritters are a candy typical of this traditional celebration that take place every month of March in Valencia. The fritters of Valencia differ from the rest by being made of pumpkin dough and carrying a hole in the centre.

7.) Toña or panquemao

For Easter evenings, the best snack is a piece of “toña” or “panquemao”. This typical bread roll of Valencia has different names depending on where you are from the Valencian region: panou, tonya, coc, fogassa, pa socarrat…

8.) Esmorzaret

Brunch or “esmorçar” is not a typical valencian recipe, but a gastronomic custom, a tradition that no valencian can fail. It is a sacred ritual that people consider it’s most important than paella. It is a meal between breakfast and lunch, like known “brunch”, consisting of a snack accompanied by olives and peanuts.

9.) Capellanets

If we come to the fishing neighbourhood of El Cabanyal, we will discover another dish that is pure ambrosia: the “capellanets”, cod with tomato and oil. This dish is so native that, perhaps, someone has not even heard of him. It is a dish that is usually prepared for lunch with friends, but it can also be found in any bar in the Cabanyal area. 

10.) Valencian salad with tomatoes from El Perelló

The valencian salad is the salad par excellence. It always accompanies typical valencian dishes such as Paella; therefore it can never be missing at the table. This salad is made with products from the Valencian vegetable garden, especially with tomatoes from El Perelló. This is one of the standards of the Mediterranean Diet.


Reasons to spend your Erasmus experience in Valencia: Las Fallas

Valencia offers an ideal setting for your Erasmus adventure, boasting the status of Spain’s third-largest city with a pleasant climate and less congestion compared to other major cities like Madrid or Barcelona. The city’s year-round sunny weather and easy access to beaches make it an enticing destination. If you’re considering Valencia for your Erasmus experience, there’s one compelling reason that stands out: Las Fallas.

Las Fallas is a traditional festival in Valencia, renowned worldwide and recognized as a ‘Festival of International Tourist Interest’ and part of the ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.’ This celebration is a must-see experience, showcasing elaborate monuments and vibrant festivities.

Monuments of Fallas

Originally stemming from ancient carpenters’ traditions, Las Fallas has evolved into grand structures made of cork and wood frames, reaching heights of up to 30 meters. These monuments feature central figures surrounded by ‘ninots,’ incorporating elements of humor and satire reflecting current events.

What to Expect During Las Fallas

Las Fallas is not just a local event but a global spectacle, with unique aspects often overlooked. The festival’s name originates from medieval torches known as ‘fallas,’ used in the city’s watchtowers. While Valencia is the festival’s epicenter, other places like Argentina also celebrate their version of Las Fallas. The festival’s duration has expanded since 1932, spanning from March 15th to 19th, with activities starting as early as February.

Mascletàs and Other Highlights

The festival’s signature mascletàs offer a daily display of rhythmic firecrackers at Town Hall Square, reaching intensities exceeding 120 decibels. The plantà marks the official placement of monuments for judging, while the ofrenda sees ‘falleras’ presenting flowers to the ‘Virgen de los Desamparados,’ creating a stunning tapestry. The grand finale, cremà, involves burning the monuments to ashes, symbolizing the end of the festival.

Experience Las Fallas

For those embarking on an Erasmus journey in Valencia during Las Fallas, essential experiences include exploring the monuments, indulging in local delicacies like fritters or churros with chocolate, witnessing breathtaking fireworks displays, and strolling through illuminated streets in Ruzafa.

Key Activities During Las Fallas

  • Crida: Last Sunday of February
  • Mascletàs: March 1st to March 19th
  • Plantà: March 16th
  • Ofrenda: March 17th and 18th
  • Nit del foc: March 18th
  • Cremà: March 19th


Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and unforgettable experiences of Las Fallas, making your Erasmus adventure in Valencia truly memorable.

On January 24th and 25th 2024, ESMOVIA hosted the fourth Transnational Meeting in Valencia, Spain with our fellow European partners, Universidad Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (IT), the University of Applied Labor Studies of the Federal Employment Agency HdBA (DE), and the Institute of Research and Information on Volunteering IRIV (FR). This meeting forms a part of our KA2 Erasmus European project EMoCC – European Mobility for Career Counseling.

Our EMoCC project aims at promoting European job mobility by providing adequate training to Career Counselors in the form of 2 different massive open online courses (MOOC). Our prestigious team is multi-disciplinary, and our accumulated knowledge and expertise is resulting in a very high value product being created.

In this transnational meeting, we brought together the results and feedback of the first two project results, and embedded it into the MOOC on European mobility creation, to make it stronger and even more aligned with our future course users. We shared our progress on the dissemination of our project and continued to commit ourselves to further share the message, to reach as many potential users as possible. Through creative processes, shared discussions, and personal debates, partners have decided on the content of this second MOOC and the workflow and strategy, something we are proud to announce as we step into this last phase. We want our product to reach as many eyes as possible!

Want to know more about EMoCC?

The following results are foreseen in the project:

Project Result 1 – AtoM and WoMSA: We started with a qualitative study “AToM, Attitude Toward Moving,” which aimed to understand personal attitude and motivation towards mobility, through the means of individual interviews and focus groups. This information was then used to design a quantitative study, “WoMSA, Work Mobility Skills and Attitude Scale,” a questionnaire dispatched for individuals and counselors to better understand themselves within competences, motivation, and satisfaction inside a mobility experience. This questionnaire is a huge added value of this project, as it is a useful tool to implement in many different professional sectors across counseling and teaching. This phase was led by Universidad Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
To carry out WoMSA questionnaire go to www.emocc.eu/womsa

Project Result 2 – MOCC on Career Counseling: We created the first MOOC, massive open online course, a 30-hour training, composed of many different media elements, to upskill the abilities of counselors. Each partner contributed their expertise within the topics. A continued testing phase is being carried out by users from all countries. This phase was led by the University of Applied Labor Studies of the Federal Employment Agency, HdBA.
To enroll in the “MOOC in Career Counseling” go to https://app.emocc.eu/

Project Result 3 – MOOC on European Mobility: We are excited to announce that we are currently starting the last phase of the project, our second MOOC. A 30-hour training, composed of different media elements, training already qualified counselors, to become European mobility experts, to help inspire increased movement. We are now in the creation stage. This phase is being led by ESMOVIA.

A new edition of Valenciaphoto® – International Festival of Photography and Debate organized by Espai d’art fotogràfic is taking place in different locations of Valencia from 8 to 5 November 2023.

ESMOVIA, in our commitment with culture and creativity promotion, supports the festival as official sponsor.
ValenciaPhoto® is a project born in 2022 for the annual celebration of a photography festival of the highest level and free of charge for the citizens, where established professionals and young avant-garde artists meet with the aim of making it a European reference in the art of photography.

After the success of the 1st edition, which received more than 20,000 visits, the festival is now ready for its 2nd edition.
The representative motto of this year’s festival is «UTOPIA.EU» in reference to the ideal of a united Europe, as a common space where all nationalities live together in peace.

With the celebration of this festival, the aim is to cooperate in the fusion of different arts through photography as a metaphor of the union of peoples.
ValenciaPhoto® is structured around three main axes:

  • International: Collaboration with artists, festivals, galleries and institutions in different countries. France is the guest country for 2023 edition.
  • Promotion of local photographers: Each edition focuses on one of our local photographers. This year the work of Hector Murgui Luna will be shown to the public in the Municipal Hall of Valencia City Council.
  • Education: Lectures, debates, master classes, guided tours.

During the opening week (8-17th of September), prestigious buildings will open their doors to share culture with you all:

  • La Llotgeta Center Fotográfic. Mediterranean Foundation
  • Municial Hall of Valencia City Council
  • Rector Peset Residence Hall
  • La Nau Cultural Center
  • Espai d’art fotogràfic
  • Pilar Faus Public Library
  • Cervello Palace
  • In Arte Veritas
  • Vaidus Gallery
  • Town Hall Square

Check the official programme and start your cultural tour!
Foto source: https://valenciaphoto.es