News 1 julio 2020

The European Commission launches the new version of Europass!

Europass, the platform created in 2005 by the European Commission, has launch its latest version available from the 1st of July 2020 for all learners and workers seeking to improve their chances on the labour market and to find new learning opportunities!

According to the European Commission, this new updated platform has been created with the aim to provide users with useful tools and information to ease the digital and green transition and manage their career in the today fast changing world.

What is new: 

  • A complete, detailed and sharable profile: the Europass platform allows all its users to access the new online editor and create or update their profile (personal information, education and training, work experience, skills and competences, etc.). The language passport document has also been integrated in the profile. Users can choose to share their profile with employers or use it for education and learning opportunities as well as volunteering.
  • A personal library: a section inside each user’s account used for storing all the CVs, cover letters, certificates, diplomas, the Europass digital credential, etc.
  • Curriculum vitae can be created by chosing specific information from the profile, tailoring it according to the job offer or course. Various templates are available both for CV and cover letter. During the matching process in ESMOVIA, these are two fundamental documents required in order for our work placement officer to find the most suitable internship for each student.
  •  Tailored job and learning suggestions: users will receive tailored job offers, learning and training opportunities from 30 European countries.
  • Europass digital credential: a digital file, issued by the institution where the user studied at, certifying the qualifications and achievements to employers, education institutions, a document highly needed when moving to another country.
  • Information and support: Europass will also make easier the users’ learning and working experience abroad, providing relevant information including links to national services provided by Member States.

While the profile section has been the core of this latest Europass platform updats, remember that also others important documents issues by education and training authorities can be stored in the personal library:

  • The Europass Mobilityrecords the knowledge and skills acquired in another European country when completing a traineeship or a study period abroad. This is a document that ESMOVIA, together with the sending school, always issues at the end of each mobility in Valencia.
  • The Certificate Supplement describes the knowledge and skills acquired by holders of vocational education and training certificates.
  • The Diploma Supplementdescribes the knowledge and skills acquired by holders of higher education degrees.

Don’t wait any longer! Access the new platform and take the next step to a world of opportunities!

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