DigiNET: Digitalization and Social Media for Adult Employment

Number of project
2017 -1- MT01 – KA204 – 026965
Support programme
Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnership for Adult Education
The project aims to promote the employability and entrepreneurship skills of adult learners by using social media and ICT for the creation of e-enterprises and for increasing opportunities to enter the labour market in an effective way.
Therefore, the project is addressed to: adult teachers and trainers, who need to acquire the specific competences to train adult students, adult students, who need to scale up their key and transversal competences adapted to the digital era and the labour market’s needs and to adults with low skills and qualifications.
The project activities include:
- Creating an «e-entrepreneurship» training package with a collection of video lessons;
- Testing the training package by adult teachers and trainers;
- Carrying out trainings at national level on “How to become an e-entrepreneur», addressed to adult students;
- Organizing an International training experience on «Adopt an enterprise experience», exploiting social media and ICT in Greece;
- Involving enterprises to collaborate in the workshops;
- Organizing an International Conference about «International e-entrepreneurship» in Spain at the end of the project.
Project outcomes
- «E-entrepreneurship» training package
- Learning community
- Teacher and students trainings
- Entrepreneurship classroom
- International Conference
Our role
As a partner of the project, ESMOVIA will contribute to the creation of the project outcomes, and will be actively involved in the dissemination and exploitation of project results.
Project website
#adulteducation #digitalization #socialmedia #entrepreneurship

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.