The European Gateway

Number of project
Support programme
Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership for Vocational Training and Education.
The project aims to improve the quality and the relevance of educational and training offer, especially through international mobility, by developing innovative approaches and promoting the dissemination and exchange of good practices about mobility among companies. The project also conceives transnational mobility as a tool to transfer, through trainees, effective and innovative working practices from one company to another.
The main objectives of the project are:
- Adapting the education and training services offers as well as qualifications to the labour market’s needs and strengthening the connection among education and job sector
- Promoting the implementation of innovative practices in educational field and the adoption of innovative methods to raise awareness about transnational mobility among companies
- Strengthening the key actors’ participation in learning process and the employability through counselling, support and carrier guidance services
- Enhancing the evaluation of transversal skills and the recognition of practical experience in companies, education, training and youth sector.
- Fédération Régionale des MFR Aquitaine-Limousin, France – Promoter
- CEMEA Aquitaine, France – Partner
- Lycee Polyvalent Gustave Eiffel, France – Partner
- Association FOR YOU, Bulgaria – Partner
- C.O.P.A.E. ILIS, Greece – Partner
- Uniser Soc. Coop. Onlus, Italy – Partner
- Praktica Training Consulting S.L., Spain – Partner
Project outcomes
- State of the Art about European Mobility and companies in each partner country
- Seminars and Workshops addressed to companies in each partner country
- “The European Gateway” Toolkit
- Videos on the methodology for the exchange of good practices between companies
- Website and social media pages of the project
- Open sources platform with project’s results
- Transnational mixed mobility for learning for hosting companies and young trainees
- Dissemination Forums and Seminars
- Improvement of companies’ hosting policies through the implementation of LEFE quality system
Our role
As a partner of the project, ESMOVIA will take part in producing project’s outputs, co-organizing and sending participants to the mobility and in all dissemination activities.
Project web
#Mobility #Employability #VET #Skills #BestPractices

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.