Digital Wood Artisan (DWA)

Number of project
Support programme
Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
The project aims to disseminate good practices at European level through the training of trainers that can provide innovative skills, in the wood sector, to disadvantaged learners by using innovative, effective and consolidated methodologies. All participants will be part of a European know-how transfer in the field of wood and the contents of the training will be filmed in order to create videos that will be uploaded on the social channels of the project and on the web platform of the project that will be open to everyone and will be interactive, with a view to learning based on e-learning.
The project’s objectives are:
- support for the involvement of disadvantaged learners;
- encourage the labor market participation, skills acquisition and poverty reduction;
- provide young with the necessary tools so that they can anticipate the entry into the labor market and fill the gap between supply and demand for jobs in the digital craftsmanship sector;
- promote among the disadvantaged people innovative work practices;
- improve the level of competences and key skills of trainers;
- create synergy between the participating organizations, the ‘National Agency and the European institutions for European projects;
- create synergy among stakeholders.
- Co-labory, Italy – Promoter
- ESMOVIA, Spain – Partner
- Eurosuccess Consulting, Cyprus – Partner
- AFN – Academia Formação do Norte, Portugal – Partner
- OZARA storitveno in invalidsko podjetje d.o.o., Slovenia – Partner
- Pirkanmaan muotoilu- ja taideteollisuusyhdistys Modus ry, Finland – Partner
Project outcomes
- manual containing comparative study in Europe on the old and new woodworking techniques, machines and tools used and inclusion techniques and methods of disadvantaged people.
- theoretical-practical training course for organizations staff on woodworking in a digital key and inclusion techniques and methods of disadvantaged people.
- territorial training events aimed at trainers.
- territorial training events aimed at disadvantaged learners.
- web Platform containing all the material produced during the project, the videos of the lessons conducted during the “Territorial training events for trainers” and the “Territorial training events for disadvantaged learners”.
Our role
As partner of the Project, ESMOVIA will be responsible for the manual to train trainers and training in general with the support and work of all partners. ESMOVIA will Aalso organize local event for trainers and for trainees, participate in the transnational meetings and send 3 staff members at the training in Portugal.
During the entire period of the project ESMOVIA will be actively involved in the local dissemination of project’s results.
Project web
#Digiwoodart #DWA #AccessForDisadvantaged #DigitalCompetences #ICT #NewTechnologies #Inclusion #Equity #Digital #Wood #Education #Artisan

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.