Opportunities In The Puzzle Of Ethnic Needs (Open)

Number of project
Support programme
Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good Practices – Strategic Partnerships in the field of education, training and youth
OPEN is a KA2 project of 3 years that supports the creation of pedagogical approach and digital educational tools ready for direct application in the classroom.
Educational institutions from Bulgaria, Turkey, Poland and Spain will pursue updating and practical testing of innovative pedagogical approach based on the development of the French pedagogue Célestin Freinet (1896-1966). The choice of teaching methods are its features that best meet the needs of trainees – educational approach Freinet has a specific trend in the social inclusion of students by promoting collaboration in a group and improve access, participation and learning outcomes of students in disadvantage. Bulgarian partners who are facing a growing number of students from the Roma ethnic minority with a high rate of early failure in project activities rely on the pedagogical experience and support of experts from the partner organizations.
- PRIMARY SCHOOL “St. Cyril and Methodius”, v. Skravena – Promoter
- PRIMARY SCHOOL “St. Cyril and Methodius”, v. Aprilovo, Bulgaria – Partner
- ATPG, Bulgaria – Partner
- Sistema Practices s.l. ESMOVIA, Spain – Partner
- Gimnazjum z Oddzialami Przysposabiajacymi do Pracy Stowarzyszenia “Edukacja- Mlodziez, Poland – Partner
- Yenikent Ilksan Ortaokulu, Turkey – Partner
Project outcomes
Innovative products – pedagogical developments for an inclusive education and creation and imprementation of an online toolset will be aimed to reduce pupils facing specific (language and cultural) challenges and create a social environment in schools as internal cooperation and cooperation with parents and other external stakeholders.
Our role
As partner of the Project, ESMOVIA will review the work on methodology of the promoter by giving notes and comments, translate the IOs into Spanish, test the digital platform, participate and organize joint training staff. During the entire period of the project ESMOVIA will be actively involved in the dissemination of project’s results.
#Inclusion #Equity #ICT #ESL #EarlySchoolLeaving #Combatingfailure #Education #Digitalcompetences #Newtechnologies

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.