Number of project
Support programme
Erasmus + KA2 – Cooperation partnership in vocational education and training
The project aims to support and give visibility and importance to job mobility as directly connected with other important issues such as unemployment, social inclusion, economic and social progress among others. The project highlights the insufficient knowledge of mobility topics amongst European professionals providing job advisory and career counseling and the need to provide training on mobility both to expert career counselling providers as well as to less experts ones.
The project’s objectives are to provide:
- a thorough understanding of individual factors that may prevent or obstacle individual mobility choices
- basic training in career counseling to a variety of professionals who provide guidance services to individuals who are wondering whether to move to another country
- specific training on mobility related topics to trained and expert career counselors
- UCSC (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), Italy – Promoter
- HdBA (Hochschule der Bundesagentur fuer Arbeit), Germany – Partner
- ESMOVIA (Sistema Practices s.l.), Spain – Partner
- IRIV (HALBA BENEDICTE), France – Partner
- TAT (TUR AN TUR), Germany – Partner
Project outcomes
- PR1. Qualitative and quantitative study on individual skills and attitudes towards mobility
- PR2. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in career counseling for job mobility
- PR3. Massive open Online Course (MOOC) in mobility for all those trained and/or competent guidance experts who wants to continue improving
Project activities
- Project website
- Report on job mobility personal skills
- MOOC providing adequate training in career counseling
- Two Learning Teaching Training Activities for staff
- Multiplier events
- Dissemination material (brochure, description, reports etc)
- International meeting for staff
Our role
As partners of the project, ESMOVIA is leading the third project result – MOOC in career counseling for job mobility, contributes in the development of all the project, participating actively in all the activities foreseen. ESMOVIA will also be involved in dissemination of project’s results during the entire duration of the project.
Project website
#EMoCC #ErasmusPlus #CareerCounseling #EuropeanMobility

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.