Project planning for a successful Erasmus+

Hints and tips for a successful Erasmus+ KA1 proposal
Next call for proposals under Erasmus+ is here! 12th February is the new deadline to submit projects under KA101, KA102, KA103, KA104, KA107, KA108 and KA116.
Below you can find some hints and tips for a winning proposal:
- Collect all needed information: Before starting to write your project, collect all the necessary information and documents. It will be very helpful and will guide you through the steps to follow:
- 2019 Call for proposal – for information on the different actions foreseen, deadlines, eligibility criteria, etc…
- Erasmus+ Programme guide – The essential document that provides information on the priorities, the actions supporting, the funding, etc…
- National Agencies – Check all the information provided by your Erasmus+ National Agency. They often publish tips, FAQ’s, commented application forms…these are all precious information for you!
- Erasmus+ Project Results Platform – A great place to get inspiration from a pool of good practices and success stories.
- Erasmus+ Guide for Experts on Quality Assessment – This guide is aimed to inform evaluators about European Commission quality standards in the evaluation of proposals. As an applicant, this information will be very useful to know how evaluators will assess the award criteria for each action.
- Participate in International or National information events on Erasmus+ – National Agencies organize every year info-days to inform applicants how to submit the proposal, news, etc… International events are often funded by a grant and let you also to meet potential partners.
- Create your EU login (before know as ECAS): EU Login is the European Commission’s user authentication service. Try to use an institutional email and avoid personal emails. If you already have an ECAS account there is no need to create a new account. More information on the EU login here.
- Get your PIC (if you do not have one yet): Participant Identification Code (PIC) is a compulsory number to participate in the different programmes of EU. Get your PIC through Participant Portal: PIC number is related to an organization, is unique and does not change over the years.
- Insert and/or Update your financial and legal in URF: Unique Registration facility (Participant Portal). In order to let your National Agency to validate the PIC, it is necessary to provide some documents to prove the legal entity and financial identification.
More information on the Participant Portal guide.
In the next post we will show other tips connected with the project idea, stay tuned!