Second meeting of KA2 Erasmus+ GEEA

The second meeting of KA2 Erasmus Plus GEEA – Gender Equality and Entrepreneurship for All has taken placed in Oporto (Portugal) hosted by Portuguese partners from Associação Paredes pela Inclusão Social (APPIS).
The European project GEEA, funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnerships, is promoted by Collegiul National Unirea in Romania. ESMOVIA is an associated partner of the Spanish partner Xano Channel involved in dissemination activities. GEEA project aims at raising awareness of equal opportunities, especially in VET education, and promotion of entrepreneurship education as a solution to the gender gap.
During the meeting all partners have presented their State of the Art of Gender Equality in their own country, APPIS presented the Transnational Report on Gender Equality and all partners discussed about it.
A draft of the Code of Practice was done with the participation of all and also the Multiplication Event modality in each country was discussed. Finally IED from Greece did a presentation on the Exploitation Plan and the Italian partner, Pixel presented the Quality Assurance strategy.
More information on the project can be found on: