EsMobile, The App For Your Mobility in Valencia

We are happy to announce the launch of our app EsMobile.
What is EsMobile?
EsMobile is the ESMOVIA app for your mobility programme in Valencia. It is addressed to students and teachers doing an internship or training programme with ESMOVIA. With EsMobile you will have all the details of your mobility at the reach of your phone.
Main functionalities of EsMobile are:
- Fill in the ESMOVIA application form directly from your phone
- Check main details of your mobility project like project name, dates and ESMOVIA tutor
- Check main details of your accommodation and host company like name, dates and address.
- Get directions to your accommodation and your host company
- Check the calendar with the next appointment with ESMOVIA
- Easy access to emergency numbers
More than simple data
EsMobile is not only about data. It also provides you with emotional support to guide you through the different steps and what to expect from this experience, creating as well a sense of community. Besides, thanks to EsMobile we will be saving paper consumption to an average of 6.500 prints every year.
EsMobile is available to download from App Store and Play Store. Participants in a mobility programma with ESMOVIA can log-in with their MASYMO credentials.
EsMobile is one more step in ESMOVIA’s bet for a sustainable, efficient and user-friendly digitalization of mobility processes.
EsMobile in action
Want to see EsMobile in action? Watch the full video here: