Last 2nd of June took place in Porto (Portugal) the Final Conference of the Erasmus+ KA2 project “Social Digital Mentors”. The project, promoted by ESMOVIA, has been developed during the last 2 years in collaboration with partners from Italy, Greece and Portugal.
During these 2 years, all the partners have been working on the development of a training guide about mentoring, digital identity, digital reputation and different tools to manage social media that can be used by long term unemployed adult learners job seekers for creating, maintaining and improving their digital identity, their curriculum and promote their entrepreneurship abilities.
One of the most interesting activities in the project hast been the training session of 1 week duration, organized in (Athens) Greece in order to train 60 “social digital mentors” on the topics of the guide. These social digital mentors has been in charge of The Mentors Office that has been answering questions and doubts to other long term unemployed people in Europe.
Finally a Learning Community and Learning Barcamps has been done in any of the partner countries to disseminate about the guide and the The Mentors Office among schools and companies.
During the Final Conference in Porto, all these results have been showed and explained to the attendees.
The conference was closed by a very interesting speech by Paulo Salgado from Universidade do Minho (Braga) about the responsible use of Social Media.
More information on the project can be found in: