Partners meet in Bologna for the 3rd Transnational Meeting of the project Quality Qualification for VET – QQVET

During 30th of November and 1st of December 2018 the partners of the KA2 project “Quality Qualification for VET” met in Bologna, Italy at the Centro Direzionale di Bologna to discuss about the work made by each partner in the last months and plan the following steps of the project.
One of the most important moment of the meeting was recapitulating the results of the QQVET Impact Study, a transnational survey aiming at measuring the impact of the worked based learning and mobility experiences in VET students, hosting companies, VET directors and providers and VET teachers.
Partners could express themselves on the challenges encountered and the solutions that they found while working on this intellectual output.
Part of the transnational meeting has been dedicated also to see together the first draft of the QQVET Documentary Series, a series of appealing video Chapters, reporting the real experiences, best practices and survey-related information about transnational mobilities and traineeship initiative in all the project countries.
Aretés, CAMIC and Agrupamento de Vilela presented their first video draft and all participants expressed themselves by giving suggestions and recommendations on how to improve the video’s quality.
After seeing all the video drafts a brainstorming session was held to exchange ideas and to decide some instructions about the video production.
All the meeting sessions run smoothly, partners demonstrated a very collaborative spirit and expressed their satisfaction on the work and results achieved during the meeting.
Part of the time was dedicated also to some informal moments and cultural activities thanks to Aretés that was in charge of these aspects and organised a visit to FICO, the biggest food park in the world which organizes, among others, gastronomic courses for schools and adults.
In the second day of the transnational meeting participants decided also the dates of the 4th transnational meeting in Prague, Czech Republic in March 2019!
ESMOVIA thanks you all for participating, wishes you a nice work and can’t wait to see you again next year in Prague!