New call for proposal for Erasmus+ Programme

On the 24 October 2018, the official journal of the European Union published the new call for proposals 2019 for Erasmus+ Programme.
The call covers the different actions of the programme:
- KA1 – Learning mobility of individuals
- KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
- KA3 – Support for policy reform
- Jean Monnet activities
- Sport
The total budget earmarked for this call for proposals is estimated at EUR 2.733,4 million, with EUR 2.503,4 million dedicated to Education and Training sectors.
The call for proposal with the different deadlines can be found here.
The programme guide, that provides information on the priorities of the programme, the actions supported and the funding available and details, can be found here.
From ESMOVIA we are ready to collaborate with our partners, providing following services:
- Quality Traineeships for students of VET education
- Advice and personalized guidance to the participants
- Definition and Evaluation of Learning Outcomes in accordance with the ECVET system
- Structured Courses for teachers and staff from school education and adult education
- Language courses
For more information on our services, please, contact us!