In coincidence with the Bulgarian EU Presidency, the Bulgarian Ministry of education have organised in Sofia, on 24 and 25 of April, a forum on VET education called “VET as a first choice”. ESMOVIA was invited to participate and to exchange good practices on the future of a more attractive and innovative Vocational and Training system.
Different speeches from Bulgaria Ministry of Education, European Commission and Cedefop representatives were followed by presentations of best practices in the future of VET, work based learning, internationalisation and mobility, future skills requirements, VET for life as well as VET and higher education. A visit to different professional schools was also foreseen for all the delegates.
As a final conclusion, it has arisen the need of promoting information on VET and its benefits in the students social contexts since early years, to get the world of work and education closer and improving the quality of apprenticeships. Only in this way, Vocational Education can be a first choice to our students.