Social Digital Mentors dissemination conference

This 18th September 2016 has taken place a dissemination conference of the project Erasmus+ KA2 “Social Digital Mentors” in Anzola dell’Emilia (Italy).
Organized by the Italian partner, Comune dell’Anzola dell’Emilia, the conference has been opened by the Mayor of Anzola dell’Emilia. ESMOVIA, as promoter, has been in charge of presenting the objectives, activities and results to an audience composed of more than 60 participants from youth, employability, training and education and social sector. Italian mentors trained in Greece were also invited to participate in the meeting.
As guest speakers we have had the opportunity of listening Gianfranco Coda from “Europe Direct Emilia Romagna”, Valentina Gianni from “Associazione Passi”, Eleonora Riberto from “Unione di Terre d’Acqua” as well as Romano Berardi from “Fondazione Bruto e Poerio” Carpigiani.
At the end of the conference, the photograph exhibition “Atene Oggi” by the photographer and mentor in the project Fabrizio Filippini, has been inaugurated.
More information on the project can be found in: