QQVET partners presented the results during the final conference in Paterna, Valencia

On the 14th and 15th of June 2019, the 6 partners of the QQVET project met for the final conference and transnational meeting hosted in Valencia.
During the meeting on Friday morning each partner could check the last details for the final conference and discuss about the last management documents needed to be presented for the final report of the project.
The final conference
2 years of common work were presented during the Final Conference in Paterna, Valencia. The conference was held thanks to the contribution of our associated partner ESCUELA TALLER and Acuartelamiento Daoiz y Velarde that hosted the conference.
ESCUELA TALLER is doing a fundamental work in the Paterna area, as its objective is to offer professional courses of gardening to young and unemployed people. The school is hosted inside the military zone of Acuartelamiento Daoiz y Velarde.
At the conference participated members of the project, the director of Escuela Taller and the students, as well as students from Istituto d’istruzione Superiore JF Kennedy, Italy in Valencia for an internship in sectors such as tourism, marketing and administration.
After ESMOVIA welcomed everyone, the QQVET project has been introduced to all the participants and left the floor to representants of MERIDIAN, Agrupamento de Vilela, CAMIC, Alphabet Formation and Aretes, each partner presenting a specific part of the project and the Intellectual Outputs on which they have been working in the last 2 years.
Some of the most important data obtained from the IO1 – Impact Study results indicated that in almost all the countries students are informed about the European training programs through their teachers, except from the situation in Belgium where they found out thanks to the other students.
Almost all the interviewed considered that a transnational mobility is very important when searching for a new job (46% saying that is useful and 48% very useful).
The study reveals that still a lot has to be improved, as our Romanian partner MERIDIAN indicated. Some of the recommendations were the following:
- Students should be more involved in designing mobility & WBL programs;
- Employers can be better informed about the facilities created for collaboration between schools and companies in the field of VET;
- Teachers have an essential role in informing students about opportunities to participate in VET mobility programs.
M. Fornea Dumitru, representant of the MERIDIAN partner wanted to explain to the public the rare case of Romania where the employers are recognizing the usefulness of WBL & mobility programs, but in Member States with a lower wage level they believe these programs bring additional challenges in trying to attract and keep workers in their companies.
Agrupamento de Vilela presented the website as well as some facts and figures related to VET mobilities in the partners country, doing in this way a comparison between them and highlighting the differences encountered.
Czech partner CAMIC and the Belgian partner ALPHABET FORMATION took the floor exposing first the sustainability procedures foreseen within the project and afterwards presenting the dissemination activities. ALPHABET FORMATION remarked that the partners did a very good job, disseminating the project and its results in a high number of events and using all their social media, reaching a high number of potential stakeholders.
The last part of the conference presented by the Italian partner ARETÉS focused on the second IO – Documentary Series, a video on mobility experience showing facts, figures and direct experiences from the point of view of all the involved actors (students, teachers, school directors, employers and public institutions).
All the videos created during the project are freely accessible on the webpage of the project as well as on youtube (QQVET Erasmus).
The conference concluded with the contribution of DoCoaching People’s Consulting that organized a motivational session for all the students attending the conference in which they could reflect about their mobility experience, their decisions and get to know themselves better and value the positive aspects of this enriching experience.
ESMOVIA would like to thank the hosting organizations, all the partners and the guests that contributed to this conference and invites you all to visit the webpage of the project.